Jon fired thunderbolts Richie’s way but couldn’t help but smirk. The old dog’s eyes are sharp, he had to admit. Pulling his shirt just a bit more, he gave his out of control hard on a chance to subside before his son asked him things he wasn’t ready to explain yet.
Megan didn’t even have to look, she knew that subtle pull on his shirt, she swallowed down her heart which seemed to almost leap from her throat. He wants to play twister and he is so randy? Hell maybe this could turn out major fun for her and a deadly tease for Jon.....
Swinging out of his jacket, he rubbed his hands.
“Let the games begin sweet thing. Jonny’s gonna show you a thing or two.”
“Not if I show you a thing or two first.”
Ok....he was speechless. Gaping at her as she swung her ass his way, he knew he had lost before this had ever started. How could any man withstand his lady’s dangerous charms.
Damn! It felt good to be home and he felt so loved at that moment.
“You’re fu...screwed bro’. Just so you know.” Richie winked.
A few spins later, Megan and Jon found themselves thoroughly rubbed up against each other. Megan was sure her jeans were soaking wet between her thighs and Jon was sure his hard on was there to stay.
“Ok mom...right hand green.”
Oh goodie....She thought, zooming in on the deliciousness that was his ass.
Making sure her hand rubbed his ass and give it a quick squeeze before her hand found its mark on the green spot. She smiled at his gasp. Told ya I’m gonna show you a thing or two cowboy....
Megan turned her head and let her cheek rest on the tight swell of his ass...heaven!
“ fair now.” His growl warned her.
“You just do what you’re told....” Megan stuck out her tongue.
Standing spread beneath her and she over him, he chuckled as he realised how close he was to her soft, full mounds....arching slightly he swayed to and thro...perking her nipples until they stabbed his back.
Oh shiiiiiiiiiitt..Megan’s breasts contracted as he teased.
Looking around she made sure Jaden wasn’t staring wide eyed at them. Richie..bless his soul... was keeping him busy.
Going in for the kill..Jon smirked.
Stretching a bit forward he turned his head and nipped her inner thigh.
“Oh God! Jooo............look what you did!!”
Megan had caved in, hitting her opposite knee on the mat.
“Aaaaaaaaawww mom! What did you do?!” His mom was so good with this game!
“She couldn’t keep up buddy. That’s all! So I’m the ruling champ of the household...”
Just for good measure she reached in and gave him a good solid bite on the ass.
Jon yelped in pain and hit the carpet unceremoniously.
“That’s what you get for cheating!”
“Ok kids play nice now, no fighting!” Richie joined in.
The evening was spent laughing, Jaden showing off his new guitar skills, to Jon greatest joy.
The baby monitor came to live as a little someone started getting fussy.
“Ooh it miss Muffet’s feeding time.”
“I’m coming with you. I need to say hi to daddy’s girl.”
Going up the stairs, Jon’s hand captured hers.
Closing the door behind her, Megan couldn’t wait to show Jon how much she had grown in the last week but he had something else in mind.
“Ah ah...come say hi to me first.”
He swung her around, pulling her a bit roughly into his awaiting arms.
“Oh fuck baby this feels good.”
Megan just told herself to breath. At last, he was here, with her..he had come back to her.
Pushing his face into her air, he breathed her fresh, flowery scent.
“I have so much to tell you...”
“Shhhhhhhhhhh..not now..I just want to feel you, breath you....” he begged.
Megan obeyed, she wanted it too, so much it hurt.
Cupping her face in his hands, he swooped in for a slow loving kiss. He poured all his love into that one kiss, showing her how much he missed her, how much he wanted and needed her. Megan hung onto him, her body swaying into his hard frame. Tongues fought a fiery battle of love, lust and longing.
Ashley’s fussing grew louder and when she finally started a pitiful cry, did Jon release her. His body was shaking, his blue eyes swimming in unshed tears.
“I love you baby..God knows I love you.....Lets get this little missy her fill...My she has healthy lungs!” Jon laughed as she was screaming now. Her little face scrunched up in anger.
Picking the little squirming body up,he was taken aback by the stunning blue eyes of his baby girl.
“She has my eyes!” he stared in wonder.
“Yes, she does and her daddy’s voice too, by the sound of it.”
“Hey! I don’t sound like I? No it cant be..Bon Jovi would have been history loonng ago,,sorry honey but daddy doesn’t sound like you...” Handing her over to her mother, his attention shifted to the bared breast and its rosy pink partner.
Jon felt his hair stood on end, blood was rushing through his veins so violently he was sure her heard it whooshing in his ears.
“How long is this gonna take?” he cleared his throat.
“Not too long.” Her eyes were filled with erotic promises.
Backing towards the door, he smirked.
“I think I’m gonna tuck the little man in...and say goodnight to Rich.”
He didn’t trust himself in here with her like that and she knew it.
Tonight she wont be alone again..he would be there.
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