Megan enjoyed her outing with Richie and some much needed time with Jaden. Jon was constantly on her mind and she couldn’t help the thrill of excitement going through her as she imagined his face when he came home that night finding her there.
Jon sat next to Dorothea’s bed. The doctor’s words playing over and over in his mind. This pregnancy might just end up in a miscarriage. Dot and the baby were still not out the woods. Dorothea was to rest and avoid any stressful situation. Her pregnancy had just turned high risk. Just before the doctor turned to go he looked at Jon.
“She needs all you love and support right now. “
He just mumbled a faint, sure and the doctor was off.
They must have given her something potent seeing as she was fast asleep. He didn’t have any place to go, he could just as well be here with her, she needed him. The sword of this pregnancy hung low over his head and once again felt the pang of regret for it ever happening.
Maybe when the baby was born he would feel different, who knows? Jon hoped to God that would be true. This baby needs exactly the same as him and Megan’s baby. Love, support… a dad.
It was almost 9 when he eventually got up. Dorothea was calm and still sleeping. She would be alright for the night.
Feeling worn out and so damn depressed he head home. He couldn’t face the cold, lonely bed tonight. Giving his watch the once over he groaned.
Fuck! Too late to call her.
Not ready to face the loneliness of his house, he stopped at the studio. Pushing the door open, he grabbed an unopened Jack Daniels from the small bar. No need for glasses tonight. Sitting down , he took his first swig, staring at the walls. Maybe if he did some work, he’ll be ready for bed in a few hours.
Jon’s gave up on his futile attempt at writing after a while, cradling the bottle between his thighs he flicked the switch at the control board, tilting his head back as music filled the room.
Dorothea’s panic stricken voice suddenly invaded his calmness. Was God really punishing him or was this just nature taking its course? How was he ever going to be there for the two pregnant women in his life? Dorothea needs his full support, Megan is the love of his life carrying a baby that was created with much love. Why the fuck did he go home with Dot that night? He never neglects to use condoms, why that night? Damn it all to hell! Now everyone has to suffer for his stupidity.
Ridding his lungs from oxygen he gave a mighty blow. Feeling the booze and the music coursing through him, he just sat there, picturing Megan’s beautiful face and reliving the past few days with her. Pure bliss, nothing disturbed them, nothing stood between them. It was just the two of them, lost in time.
Megan felt agitated as the time ticked by. Could he still be at the hospital? She couldn’t get herself to call him.
Padding downstairs, she made sure there were lights burning when he came home. Sneaking out the front door she breathed the cool, Jersey air, listening at the slow rushing of the river. Something caught her eye..was that? No! The poor baby came home , went straight to the studio and worked.
Jon’s way of getting over whatever demon was chasing him, that or exercising.
She knew how she would find him, pouring over some sheet of paper, writing or staring at the words, his hands lost in his hair.
Anticipation set her heart to a quick, excited gallop.
Jon didn’t hear the faint click as the door swung open. There he was, his head tilting backwards, accentuating his manly adam’s apple. His eyes were closed and she sighed as she saw the Jack Daniel’s bottle cradled like a precious treasure between his thighs. Oh those heavenly thighs…
Jon heard the whisper of a sigh. Was Jack playing games with his mind? Lifting his head ever so slowly, he tried to focus. Jack was messing with his ability to think straight but not his ability to see. Before him was a vision of loveliness, soft pink satin flowed around her as the breeze drifted in from the door. Long curls twirled down over her shoulder and the utter beauty of her caught Jon’s guts in a tangle.
He was more drunk than he thought! Licking his lips slowly and blinking a few times he tried to focus on the angel standing there, scared that any movement or sound would make her disappear.
Megan stood motionless, watching as confusion, admiration and adoration gleamed in his azure depths.
“I waited for you.”
He jerked as he heard his hallucination spoke. She reached him and as she touched him she saw his eyes cleared , his arms clasped around her buttocks in a death grip.
“Baby? Oh God! My sweet angel… you are here!”
“I couldn’t stay away. You needed me.”
“More than you’ll ever know baby, more than you’ll ever know.”
He buried his face in the soft swell of her stomach. There was life thumping away inside her, underneath his cheek. She was the giver of life, his life and the life of their children. Her scent enveloped him, her warmth brought him comfort. Her satiny gown, glided across his skin. God she was pure heaven!
Megan felt Jon shook as emotions charged through his tired, liquor clouded body. She held onto him, brushing the hair from his face, just giving him the human contact he needed so much.
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