Monday, December 28, 2009

Chapter 193

Megan settled into married life as if she was born to do it. Her days were full and her nights passionate.  Her friendship with Dorothea grew everyday and sometimes she actually felt guilty for having Jon’s love.
There was only two months to go before they welcomed a new life into this world and Megan was heavy and sometimes sore and irritable.  Her gynea had suggested attending ante natal classes and after a lot of batting eyelids and pouting very cutely, Jon sighed and gave in to her womanly wiles.
They were to start the following week and she was quite looking forward to it! Looking at her watch she realized Dorothea was late for their afternoon stroll and tea break. She hasn’t been acting herself for a few days and Megan didn’t want to pry. She was sure Dorothea would tell her if she really wanted to.
Waddling slowly towards the cottage, she relished at the warmth and the slight breeze tugging at her dress. Jon and Richie were in New York on business, so they might be late that night.
Knocking on the door, Megan called but was met with silence. And eerie feeling crept up her spine. Turning the knob she felt it gave way, much to her relief.
“Dorothea! Hellooo!”
A groan reached her ears and with some unseen speed, she found herself in the bedroom, staring at the agonizing woman on the bed.
“Dorothea! Oh God! Is it the baby?!”

Megan sagged onto her knees, Dorothea was as white as a ghost, pearls of sweat covered her forehead.
“Why didn’t you call me! “
“ I thought I had a stomach bug and when….oh god…and when it hit I couldn’t get up.” Dorothea gasped, grasping her stomach.
Megan’s senses went to full alert when she felt the undeniable reality of contractions rippling beneath her hands as she touched the pregnant woman’s stomach.
“I’m gonna get the get the car and call the hospital. I know this sounds stupid, but honey you need to stay calm for the baby, breath deeply. We’ll have you at the hospital in no time.”
Megan rushed out the door as fast as her 7 month pregnant body would allow, her fingers already dialing.
An entourage of servants rushed into the little cottage. Helping Dorothea towards the car, they all watched in alarm as Dorothea couldn’t contain her whimpers of pain anymore.
Megan steered the car towards town, driving fast yet safely while consoling the scared woman.
Coming to a screeching halt, they were met with professional yet comforting faces. As they rushed Dorothea towards the emergency room Mega felt a quiver take life inside her.  Blowing out a shaky breath, she squared her shoulders. Stay strong Megan! Don’t fall apart now!
Knowing that she wont be allowed close to Dorothea anyway, she sat down pressing speed dial.
Jon frowned as he felt the familiar vibration of a phone set to silent. Flicking it open he immediately felt fear tapping down his spine. Megan knew he was in meeting the whole day, she wouldn’t call unless something was seriously wrong.
“Excuse me for a moment. I have to take this.”
Richie’s dark eyes searched Jon . He knew too, there was just something in those blue eyes.
Standing up from the table Jon walked out without a backward glance. Everyone who ever dealt with Jon Bon Jovi knew, family came first to him and they respected him for it. If they didn’t like it, they could take their business elsewhere.
“Hey. I’m sorry for calling you, I know you’re busy but we have a problem.” She sound shaken and a hint of tears threatened beneath the surface.
“Are you ok? Is it Jaden?” Fear filtered through the phone towards Megan.
“We are fine. It’s Dorothea. She didn’t pitch up for our daily tea and I went looking for her. I’m no doctor, but from what I’ve seen….I think Dorothea went into premature labour. I’m so sorry.”
“Fuck! We are you? At hospital? I’m coming, wait for me ok?”
He didn’t give her time to answer, the last thing she heard was another fuck and Richie’s names being hollered.
Richie came sprinting down the hall. He knew something was wrong.
“Richie, I’ve gotta go. Dorothea is in premature labour..SHIT! Can you handle this? Sorry brother, but I have to be there.”
“Go! Don’t apologise bro’. I’ll meet you guys there. Sorry bro’, I hope the baby and Dot will be ok.”
“Thanks man.”
Jon didn’t know how he got there in one piece but he did. Slamming the breaks , he jumped out, not even locking the car.
“Dorothea Hurley, she was brought in by my wife, she had contractions.”
“This way sir.” If the nurse recognized him, she didn’t let on.
He found Megan sitting in the hallway, eyes closed, her back arched against the wall, her hand resting on her stomach. For a moment he thought she looked like someone praying.
Touching her slightly on the cheek, her eyes flew open. That’s when he saw the tears. Her body sagged into his frame.
“I’m so afraid for her! She is so scared and in pain. It’s unbearable to see! Oh God!”
“Shhhh, honey don’t get upset. You have a little one to think of too.”
His arms brought her the strength she needed. Heat and comfort soaked into her weary bones. Taking solace from him for just a moment, she shifted from him.
“I think she needs you more. Go to her, I’ll be here.”
“I’ll go but baby, get yourself something to drink. You look like you’re gonna faint.”
She stood up, obeying his heartfelt plea.
Catching her hand, he yanked her gently to his side. Lifting her face in that second, she knew what was to come. Cool, loving lips lingered for a moment on hers. His hand brushed her wrist, his fingers applied slight pressure to hers, telling her without words how much she was cherished.
Energy entered her pulse points and she walked away, ready to take whatever life was going to throw their way.

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