Monday, December 28, 2009

Chapter 181

Richie jumped up as adrenalin rushed through his veins.
“I fucking told ya!!”
“Richie dont jump the gun just yet. This is just something the nurse heard, she could have assumed it wrongly.”
Oh c’moooooon! She just confirmed what I thought!”
“Just don’t do anything rash now. I’m digging a bit deeper into everything. Give it time. I’ll keep you updated.”
RIchie left the office, a rush of excitement coursing through his veins. The lying bitch! I got her now. He would keep this to himself though, until the investigator has cold hard evidence, then all hell was going to break lose.
Megan stood quietly and completely dressed in black next to the deathly pale Jason, staring at the open grave of Bethany.
For a woman without any family it was quite a big funeral.  She had asked Jon to come with her but he declined seeing as Dorothea was coming home and he had to bring her home from hospital.
Megan was Jason’s constant crutch, holding on to him she held him up. His arms crushed her to his side and at times even felt painful.
She breathed a sigh of relieve as she saw the last people go.  Thank God this was over, this was one horribly emotional day. Now Jason could pick up the pieces and go on. It would be slow, but knowing how strong he was he would be ok.
She wanted to leave just after that but Jason asked her to stay for another cup of coffee and another and another. It was obvious that he didn’t want to be alone. She watched the time, knowing that Jaden’s had a project to finish, she had to decline when he offered to buy her dinner.
Megan drove up and she groaned out loud.
“Oh lord I don’t have the strength for this tonight!”
Carol and John Bongiovi’s car was parked in front of the house.
Walking into the dining room Jaden rushed towards her, hugging her tightly.
“Hey Peanut! I’m sorry I’m so late but we’ll get working on that project soon.”
“No worries, dad and Richie helped me.”
“That’s wonderful! I’ll have a look at it later, ok?
Just before he let her go he kissed her stomach.
“Is my sister still ok?”
“Oh honey! Yes, I guess she is!”
Megan smiled at her son. He was so adamant it was a little girl.
Bracing herself she looked up at the sea of faces around the table. Jon was standing close to her.
Lord but she was stunning! The dress was accentuating the growing bump so beautifully. Her hair was arranged atop her head, but after the long day, long curly tendrils framed her face.
“Hello baby.”
“Hey to you too.”
He pulled her softly into his arms, the gentle kiss he gave her almost buckled her knees. She could feel the cold stares shooting into her and she pushed lightly as his chest.
Her eyes rested on Carol’s cold eyes first.
“Hello Carol. John. Dorothea.”
Carol gave her a stiff smile, Dorothea didn’t do much better. John stood up, walked around the table and hugged the beautiful girl, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
“Hello Sweetheart. My but this little tum is growing by the day! So did I hear correctly? Do I have a little granddaughter on the way?”
Megan blushed slightly as the old man rubbed her bump.
“No. I should find out the day after tomorrow, but Jaden is so sure it’s a little girl.”
“Me too!” Richie winked and Megan giggled at the look in his eyes. The pink line! How could she forget.
“Well you two could be right, you know. The way Megan is carrying seems to me like a girl too.” Carol was inspecting her now.
“I’ve always wanted a little girl but I’ll love another boy just as much.” Jon’s eyes send frissions of heat down her spine.
Megan felt dark eyes penetrating her and she turned towards their owner.
“Well you could be lucky and get one of each.” She smiled at Dorothea. The woman was taken aback at Megan’s friendly smile.
A silence fell over the party. This was unexpected. Megan had reached out to the other woman! Something changed in Carol’s eyes as she watched in astonishment.
The atmosphere changed for the good and everyone joined in light conversation. Everyone except Megan saw the light of pride and love shining from those blue eyes. The message was loud and clear, he loved Megan and nothing and nobody would get in between that.
Dorothea felt a slight ache in her heart as she realized the inevitable. Jon would never be hers but how to right the wrong? A shiver went down her spine as she imagined the fury that would come down on her if anyone should ever find out the truth.
This had to be her dirty little secret and hell maybe she could even win him over ..eventually.

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