Monday, December 28, 2009

Chapter 238

Megan took her time, circling him a bit, slapping the bare butt cheeks, sliding her palms all over inches of naked male flesh.
Coming full circle again, she pulled at one end of the bow, feeling it gave way, the bloody red ribbon fell to the floor.

“Oh my! Have I been a good girl this year? Santa gave me a huuuge present !” she feigned total shock, batting her eyelids at him.

His grin was blinding, those eyes were already a few shades darker as desire swirled in them.

Her present decided that it was time for taking the situation in his own hands…

Grabbing her by the front of her shirt, he jerked her closer, nipping her earlobe, he murmured in her ear.

“Ho ho ho baby…..don’t you know..I’m the Santa AND the present.
You just whisper in my ear and I’ll make sure you get what you wish

“But..but I thought I was suppose to sit on Santa’s lap before I can whisper anything to him.” She pouted so prettily.

An eyebrow arched into the air. He caught up at that moment. HHHmmmmm

Taking her hand, he led her towards the couch. Sitting down, he slapped on his thigh.

“So you wanna ask Santa something, sweet thing?”

“Yes.” She sat down.

“Have you been a good girl this year?”

“Very….I’ve always been a good girl..although….” she rolled her eyes, leaning in.

“I have to confess something, but first you have to promise you wont take my present away because of it.”

“Oh, I promise. You can tell me anything.” He stroke her hair, brushing the tip of his thumb over the pulse point in her neck so briefly, she thought she might have imagined it.

“ see..I have met this guy…but he is such a baaad influence…and I’m a good girl Santa…really…but he makes me do naughty things..”

His frown wasn’t convincing.

“You better tell me his name. I’ll make sure he doesn’t get any
presents next year!”

She leaned towards his ear.

“His name is Jon, he is a rock star.” She answered in her sweetest voice, making sure her mouth was so close, that her lips brushed over his earlobe, she sneaked a little lick in as well and smiled like a cat that got the cream, as she felt him shiver.

“Jon huh? Now what does he do to make you do naughty things….”

“You promise you wont get mad?”

“Santa never gets mad.”

“Oh ok then…weeeellllll…he likes to kiss me…”

“Is that all? How does he kiss you, a quick peck on the lips?”

Her eyes widened as she shook her head.

“Oohh no…he kinda ..uumm..well maybe I should show you..he does this…..”

Swooping in she caught his lips with hers…her tongue demanding to be inside. Jon’s pulse kicked into high gear. She pulled away.

“Wow ..yeah that is out of line. Now what do you do when he kisses you like that?”

“I kinda like it when he kisses me like that..does that make me a bad girl? When he kisses me like that I just cant help it..and then I..I like to touch him….he has lots and lots of fur Santa..and I love my toys to be furry. I touch him here…..and here….”

Her fingers fluttered over his chest, not missing the sensitive nipples peeking from the fur, when her finger dipped into his navel, he hissed, arching into her like a cat.

“Oh fuck me…”

“Excuse me Santa?” she could hardly contain her chuckle.

He blinked for a moment, fighting for control. He was no damn good as a Santa, he was sure she could feel his hard on already.

“I don’t blame you, you poor girl. He is the bad man for making you do things like that. Come here you sweet thing.”

Pulling her into his arms, she sighed as she laid her head on his shoulder. Her breath tickled his neck, sweet, warm breath.

He patted her as if soothing a child but when his hands cupped and squeezed her ass, she knew this Santa spelled trouble with a big T.

“Oh you are so nice to me, not like that Jon guy. He is just terrible.”

“So there’s more?”

“Oh much more! Do you want to hear?”

“Don’t let me stop you, please.” He gave her a sexy grin.

“He likes it when I sit on his lap too, but only this way.” She stood up for a brief moment, lifting her skirts, she scooted onto his thighs, pressing into the hardness of his erection. She didn’t mention it.

Straddling him fully, she could see his pulse racing in his neck, his pupils swallowing the blueness of his irises.

“Maybe he feels cold when he asks you to sit like this.” He offered with an evil glint in his eyes.

“You might be right. He wants me to sit reaaaalll close, but the thing that confuses me is…” He was staring at the hint of breast.

“Santa? Are you listening to me?”

“Yes..yes of course.” He licked his lips and Megan felt a thrill tapping down her spine.

Was she going to be dinner tonight?

“So what confuses you?”

She had his attention again.

“He likes it when I do this…….”

Nipping along his shoulders, she licked as she covered his neck, biting down on his adam’s apple, nibbling along his jaw line.

“Sssssssssssssssssssss……holy shit…”

“Are you cold too now?” Santa was having a hard time controlling himself….

“Just a tiny bit..but if I put my hands in there I should warm up quickly…”

Slipping his hand underneath her shirt, he brushed over her heated skin, scraping it with his nails, seeking the path to her full mounds.

Megan quivered at his expert touch.

“Oh Santa you are the one that’s naughty now!” Her hands buried in his hair, the Santa hat slipped but she didn’t even bother to put it back.

He buried his face in between her valley, sniffing at her unique sweet scent.

“How did you know he does that too?”

“Santa knows everything little girl..everything…I even know that he does this….”

Creeping his hands towards her thighs, he traced tiny patterns towards her womanhood. Heat radiated from her and he knew if he touched her, he would feel tiny wet pearls on those dark curls.
Slipping inside her panties, his thumb strummed over her nub.

Megan whimpered and sucked in her bottom lip.

Lord… I’m lost…so deliciously lost….

He robbed her of her shirt, letting the bra fall to the ground. The heat of the flames warmed her back, yanking her suddenly forward, her nipples flattened against his chest.

Teeth clamped down on her chin, nudging it higher, he licked his way down the slender column of her neck, tasting the saltiness of her skin, marveling at how soft she was, how perfect.

“Grab on tight darlin’. Santa wanna take you somewhere.” His voice was gruff.

Twining her arms around him, she felt his body tense as all muscles worked to lift them up. Hooking her ankles together, she let him carry her.

“My Santa you u carry a might big gun! What do you do with it?” he was stabbing into her.

“I punish naughty girls with are you naughty or nice?”

“I came to the conclusion that I’m a naughty girl after all. Are you going to punish me now?” Her teasing eyes drove him insane.

Her back hit the lush rug.

“Then I have to punish you really hard!” he growled..

Her hips whipped up as he violently tugged at the skirt, the panties followed soon after.

“Is it going to hurt?” there was that deceiving little voice again.

“It all depends on you…now turn around.” He gave her the evil eye.

She did as she was told. Excitement rammed through her like a freight train. His hands stroked tenderly across the smooth, pink skin….Megan braced herself.



“Naughty girls need a firm hand.”

“I’m sorry Santa…I’ll be a good girl..I promise. Oh god!”

His fingers had slip down the slight crease starting at her back and
slipped in between the slickness.

“Hhmmmmm…I like it.”

Megan grinded down onto his rubbing fingers, she was on fire, the trail simmered in her core and slithered down towards her secret place.

A stinging slap made her gasp, only heightening the pleasure. Jon felt her convulse the moment the slap registered and smiled.

So his wife liked a slap or two huh?

Her body swayed as it spiraled inside her, knowing how eager she would accept him, he gripped her hips, pulling her back as he reared forward.

Their coming together was explosive. Her stunned cry and his satisfied grunt blended so well together. He paused for a moment, just enjoying how deeply seated he was. She squeezed him so tight, it felt right.

Megan broke the immobility as she pushed back onto him, her rhythm took a wild turn and soon they were all sweaty and panting, racing towards the building climax.

Jon suddenly withdrew, leaving Megan stunned.


“Whoaaa babygirl…easy now.” He coaxed her onto her back. The wild ride was fun but he wanted to see her beautiful face, taste those sweet lips.

This time his entry was controlled, the love shining from his eyes, left Megan speechless, the gentle smile tucking at the corner of his lips, somewhat vulnerable.

Twining his hands with hers, he brought them upwards, the motion perking her breasts close to his mouth. He zoomed in, savoring the rosy peaks, drawing a breathy moan from her. Her hips flicked upwards, bringing on a tiny pulse from deep within.

Rearing upwards, his eyes burned into hers, demanding to keep contact with him.

Their bodies danced together in perfect union, their eyes devouring each other.

“Tell me you love me.” He whispered from a parched throat.

“I love you Jon..always.” her eyes confirmed the fact.

Their union took them on wings of love..eternal love…love no man could manage to take from them.

They shuddered together as the volcano erupted, leaving them drained and breathless. Rolling her over, he folded her in his arms, stroking the sweaty bangs from her face.

“Did you like Santa’s surprise?” he kissed a drop from the bridge of her nose.

“Oh lord yes…it was a big surprise!” she snuggled into his chest, brushing at the wet fur.

Silence fell over them, their lovemaking took its toll and she felt herself drifting off. She was where she always wanted to be, safe in his arms.

“You do know how much I love you don’t you?” his voice soaked in.

“Uhuh…I know.”

She opened her eyes and felt a fuzzy warmth as electric blue eyes swept over her face.

“You’re my heart, my sanity, my conscience. May the lord spare us for many more Christmases and times like these. My life is so perfect and full right now…I don’t want it any other way. I wanted someone to share my life with and He sent me an angel…a rock…my rock angel.” He laughed softly.

“We were made for each other then…a rock star with his rock angel. Perfect!” She closed her eyes as she felt his lips feathered onto hers.

The End.

Chapter 237

 The world was covered in an enchanted blanket of pale white icy flecks. The world was at slumber, cheery sparkling Christmas lights flashed invitingly, announcing the arrival of Christmas.
The Bongiovi mansion was a noisy place to be, a humungous Christmas tree stood proudly in the lounge, torn wrapping paper strewn all over the place.
It was full house again today. Everyone was present and the special meaning of Christmas touched each heart as they all came together in union.
It was a long, eventful year for them all. Some moments were exciting, some painful yet all was impossible to forget. Every little action had paved the way to where they all were today.
“Dinner is served!” Megan called.
Richie and Jaden came galloping into the dining room first, Richie’s brow damp with perspiration.
Hell he was sweating like a race horse and it was snowing outside!
 A santa hat  hung over the back of each chair, grinning foolishly he picked it up between two fingers.
“You want me to where this?”
“That or no choose buster!”
The hat was slung over his head in seconds, Megan giggled as one eye peek from underneath dark bangs.
“Oh! Let me get that! How do you ever manage to dress yourself huh?” She stood on tippy toes as she brushed the hair under the hat.
“Very carefully honey… I’m actually better at the undressing part.”
The rest of the entourage came strolling in.
Carol flicked a humorous brow at the hat. John was already slipping into his….mimicking the deep laugh of Santa Claus to the tee.
Slapping his dad on the shoulder he laughed.
“Thanks for the try dad, but isn’t Santa a bit more uuh well rounded in this area?” he poked at the flat belly.
“Son, if I keep coming here and eating Megan’s cooking, I’ll be Santa this time next year.” He winked , he always knew how to compliment a lady.
Megan’s parents settled in opposite the Bongiovi parents, their hats on and their stomachs ready for whatever Megan had concocted.
Jon placed Ashley into her feeding chair, smiling as the little hands grabbed for the tiny spoon, her face lit up as she realized food was on the way. She was a chubby little angel with head full of dark curly hair and the brightest blue eyes you have ever seen.
Jaden nudged at Richie, he never gave the man a second of peace. They bantered like two brothers, just  a pity the one was more than half the other one’s  age.
“You two! Stop playing and eat!” Megan’s mock stare didn’t help much.
“Yeeees, ma.” Twin voices sing songed together
After a mouthwatering dessert and a warm cup of coffee, the elders made their way home before the snow made it impossible to leave.
Megan cleared the last of the dishes and decided to join the rest of the family in the wonders of Scrooge.
Jaden was out cold on Richie’s lap. Richie’s head rested on the back of the couch, his eyes fixed on the screen. Jon was nowhere to be found.
“Where ‘s Jon?”
“He said something about going upstairs, he forgot to give you a present. You go, I’ll put the little chap to bed.”
“Another one?” How many presents did he buy!?
Richie snorted.
“If you ask me it will be something crazy. If he kept it for later, it should  be opened in privacy cause honey if it aint wrapped in wrapping paper, I reeeaaally don’t wanna know.”
“Oh you men always think the worst. Filthy minded, horn dogs.”
“Well are you going to tell me how bad a boy I am or are you gonna unwrap your pressie?”
Leaning over, she placed a soft kiss on Jaden’s forehead and then on Richie’s.
“You have a good night now. Merry Christmas Rich.”
Pulling her into a sweet embrace he muffled in her hair.
“You too darlin’.”

Megan froze as she took in the scene before her. A warm cheery fire chased away the cold of the night, the flames casted long shadows,  dancing slowly against the walls.
A tiny puff of smoke swirling from the couch told her where he was. A bare foot was slung over the armrest….wanting to explore more, she peeked over the backrest.
Her laughter bubbled from her throat in hysterical gasps, she was shaking so hard she thought she might break something. Richie’s words came to mind..well it’s wrapped, well almost anyway!
He watched her silently, fighting hard not to follow her lead.  Eyebrows twitched above the bluest of eyes.
There in all his glory lay her present, the Santa hat slightly skew on his head, completely naked except for the big red bow covering his manhood. Lord almighty what a wonderful Christmas present indeed!
Sliding from the  couch slowly, he stood up, arms by his side. Killing the cigarette he gave a few steps.
“Come and get it baby.”
Megan was still stifling her giggles. Her eyes devoured the perfection of him. Good God was he a tease?!
“I’m the perfect gift baby…you see what you get..” he brushed over his chest, holding up one finger in the air.
“I’m easy to unwrap.” Pulling on the bow, he did his little hip swinging, that was two.
“but the best of all  baby…I don’t need no can play with me over..and over..and over.” Count three.
By that time he was right in front of her, grabbing her by the hips, he grinded the siren red bow against her.
“I wonder what you have so neatly covered under there hhmmmm.” She hooked one finger into the bow, peeking inside.
“Open it up and take a peek.” She laughed at his mischievous smile.

Chapter 236

Dorothea stood flabbergasted, her eyes wide not sure what Jon was there for.
“Please come in.” Robert gestured towards the sitting room.
Still staring open mouthed at Jon, she stammered.
“Would you like something to drink?”
“Something cold would be nice, beer perhaps?”
She disappeared for a few moments.
His eyes focused on the little boy.
How he’d grown!  He felt a twang deep inside but pushed it aside.
“He’s big.” Jesse only stared at the stranger while chewing on his fingers.
Dorothea smiled, only the way a proud mother could.
Taking a slow sip form the bottle he straightened his thoughts.
“Dorothea, I’m here to put all that’s happened behind me. I can’t move forward until I’ve sorted my past. I owe that to my wife and kids and hell even to myself. I’ve put the people closest to me through hell and they don’t deserve it.”
Her eyes shot full of tears.
“I’m so sorry for what I have done. I wish there was a way to make this all go away, but there isn’t.  Megan was the best friend I’ve ever had and I hurt her with my conniving ways. Will you please beg her forgiveness for me? I need her to forgive me. I know we’ll never have the same relationship back, but I just need to know she forgives me.”
Jon nodded.
“Megan has the heart of a saint. She doesn’t know Im here today, but I’ll tell her what you said.  I came to say my goodbyes to this little guy over here. I needed the closure. He isn’t at fault here, so I at least owe him that.”
Swigging the last of the liquid, he stood up. Better go before he starts sniffing like a schoolgirl.
He touched the little chubby hand, fighting back the choking tears .
“Hey buddy. I know you probably don’t remember me, my name is Jon. I saw you come into the world. Yes, I did!”
He got a smile for his effort.
He suddenly leaned forward and kissed his forehead.
“Would you like to hold him?”
He didn’t dare pick him up, he might not give him back.
 “No…no it’s ok.  He is with his father now, where he belongs. Be happy little man.”
The men shook hands. He nodded at Dorothea and found his way towards the door. There was nothing more that needed to be said.
Slipping beside the steering wheel he stared into nothingness. Why does his shoulders feel lighter but he still felt as if something had ripped his guts out? Praying for the strength to work through it, the engine roared to life.
“One down, one to go.”
Staring at his parent’s house he felt a warmth creep into his soul.
Ringing the bell he waited. The tv was playing and dad was probably watching the evening news.
The door opened and Jon felt his heart drop. His mother was only a shadow of herself! Skinny..too skinny and she had grown old overnight!
“Jon? Oh my BOY!”
She flung herself into his arms and he flinched at the sharp jab of ribs into his flesh.
“Hello mama.”
“Welcome home son.” John nodded appreciatively.
“Please come in! Where is Megan…the kids? Don’t tell me you came alone! “
“Yeah I’m alone. What I need to say she doesn’t have to hear.”
Fear shadowed her face and she took him by the hand.
“I’m glad you here. We need to talk and I owe you an apology, not that it could ever change anything.”
She hung her head in shame.
“You can keep your apology. I’ve hear it before. I’m  here to set things right but before we can put this behind us, there is something I need to know.”
She saw her own stubborn streak in her son.
“What do you need to know Jon?”
“I need to know if you will ever accept my wife into this family. She is my life now, she and my kids. Without her there just wont be a life for me. I know you are my mother but if you refuse to accept her, I would be forced to make a choice and I think you know what the choice will be.”
Stroking his hand for a few moments she said.
“Son, I want you to know. I have accepted Megan into this family a while ago. I wouldn’t want it any other way. A man needs a life mate and she is yours. I respect that and I even rejoice in it. She makes you happy. I can see it whenever you are near each other. The love…It only comes once in your life and luckily you’ve found it first time round. She is a wonderful woman, courageous and a fighter. She fought so hard for your love and she deserves it. Every bit you can spare.”
Light shone in Jon’s eyes for the first time as he smiled at his mother.
“It took you long enough to see. But that is exactly how I feel. She completes me. She is all I want.”
Mother and son hugged.
“I see that now. Its all good son..its all good.”
“So promise me you’ll butt out of my life and let me handle it from now on?!” he nudged her playfully.
“That I’ll promise but…”
“Ah ah. No buts….yes or no. That’s the choice.”
“Well ok then, if you need to be so technical! Have you forgiven your idiot of a mother?”
“Yes..yes I did. So tell me, Christmas at my place then?”
“Let’s make it your place this year.”  She sniffed through the thankful tears and only hugged him tighter to her.

Chapter 235

Weeks turned into months and Megan watched silently as Jon slowly came back to life. He threw himself into his work and his family, spending as much time as possible with Ashley and Jaden. They were a good team, she and Jon. By day they were the caregivers to their offspring and by night passionate lovers.

Jon never mentioned his mother after that day in their bedroom and Megan didn’t ask. She could see it was on his mind quite often as she stared into space but decided not to push.

For Carol this was a living hell, she had lost so much weight and John feared for her health as he saw his wife became the shadow of her former self. He had visited his son on numerous occasions but he didn’t see any forgiveness there and his heart cracked just that little more.

Megan smiled as Jon sat on a blanket, they were having a picnic outside, celebrating the end of summer. The nights were getting colder and the leaves were taking on their fall colors. Seasons were changing fast.

Ashley munched on a cookie, looking adoringly at her father. She had mastered the art of sitting now and her new found ability had her father wrapped around her little pinky.

“You like the cookie, munckin? Oh you want daddy to taste it…ok…..aaah heelll Meg! I have cookie all over my face!” his laughter was light in her ears.

To Ashley’s greatest enjoyment, she her dad made those funny noises that always send her into a fit of laughter.

Megan snapped another photo.

“The big rock star with cookie all over his face!” She giggled as he waggled his eyebrows at her.

“You’ll pay dearly for that my just wait and see.”

Megan felt the slight tuck at her womb, he always managed to set her alight with the merest touch or words.

Jon marveled at the way her pupils dilated when passion flared inside her, she was a passionate little thing , his wife.

Jaden came galloping by on Blaze.

“Hey mom, dad!”

“Hey buddy! I still cant believe how Blaze had recovered! He might be small but hell he is a fighter!”

“And a stud too as far as I can see. There is a little Blaze on the way again.”

“Wow? So are we going to start a horse farm now?”

Kneeling down before them, she busied herself by cleaning her cookie faced daughter.

“You know Jaden. He’ll have hundreds if we let him.”
Ashley reached for her mother.

“Oh someone is thirsty. “ Jon offered. Mom and daughter had an incredible bond that took Jon’s breath away.

Unbuttoning her blouse Jon patted between his spread thighs.

Resting her back comfortably against him, she leaned her head back onto his shoulder, smiling as she felt the familiar poke in her back.

“You still cant get use of me breastfeeding Ash, can you?”

“Baby, I’m a man and you flash those girls so perfectly. I get thirsty just looking at them.”

One hand came up to squeeze the free breast.

“I thought you were going to wean her anyway. You know I want them back one of these days. I don’t like sharing my toys.”

“I’m trying to..she is just not coping very well.” A lump formed in her throat.

“You or her?” he kissed her softly in the neck.

“She’ll be off the breast soon, I promise.”

“Oh Sweet thing. I don’t mind, take as long as you two need. I can understand how hard it must be on both of you. Letting go of something…”

Somehow it felt as if Jon’s conversation was steering somewhere else.

A slight pause hung in the air.

“Honey I have something I must do later today. Would you mind if I leave you for a while?”

Hope flared up but she didn’t dare to ask.

“Of course, its getting late now anyway and a breeze is starting to pick up. I should take Ash inside before we sit with her and her earache again.”

They waited for Ashley to drink her fill and then made their way towards the mansion.

Ashley was splashing with Megan in the bath when Jon came in to bid them goodbye.

Kneeling beside them he took her little chubby hands in his.

“Before I go, I have to teach my daughter a little something. See sweetie, that little splash you make is just useless, go like this..and this…”

Megan squealed as bubbles splashed all over her face and hair.
Ashley’s baby laughter resounded in the bathroom.

“And that Ash…is how you soak your mommy.”

Ashley got a quick peck on her tiny head, while mommy received a mind blowing kiss. His mouth was suddenly on her, prying her lips open to receive his warm, seeking tongue. Finding its mate they swirled together in the game of mating, leaving Megan quivering and yearning for more. Jon pulled back, his eyes glimmering with the onset of arousal.

“We’ll finish this when I get back.”

Jon turned off the engine and sat staring at the house next to him.
His insides were shaking and for a moment he thought it might be best to start the car and leave but he knew for his own peace of mind he had to close this chapter in his life, once and for all.
Dragging himself up the steps, he winched as he pressed the doorbell. Hell it sounded like a deafening ring in his ears, or was it nerves?

The doorknob turned and time seemed to slow down rapidly.

Her gasp whipped through him and for a moment it seemed like she might faint.


“Hello Dorothea, may I come in?”

Gaping at him for a few moments, the door widened. Robert stood there with a chubby little boy riding on his hip. He smiled friendly.
“Jon. Glad you could make it, come in.”

Chapter 234

Long after the laughter had died down, Megan still found herself snuggling on his warmth. Her finger traced the wanted tattoo’s outline, while her hair flowed over the other shoulder.

Feeling his lips moved in her hair, he asked.

“What you thinking about?”

“Oohh nothing.” She moved slightly, adjusting herself to get comfortable again.

His hands danced up and down her spine, she felt all mushy and lazy after their heated lovin’.


It took a while before she heard the slight…”hhhmm?”

“Can I call our parents to come over for dinner tonight?”

The moment it left her mouth she regretted it. He stiffened underneath her and his hands stilled.



Coming up onto her elbows, she looked into stormy eyes.

“Why not? Don’t you think its time to talk this through? Your mother is sorry for what she had done.”

Clamping his hands around her arms, he pushed her off him. Turning his back on her, he placed his feet on the ground.

“Baby..dont push, ok? I’m not ready.”

“But Jon ..”

Shooting off the bed he swung around.

“I said don’t push me Megan. Dammit! I’m not ready to forgive her and frankly I don’t know if I ever will.”

She saw the warning in his eyes and shook her head as she closed the space between them.

“Ok..I wont push. But Angel this is going to eat you alive until you’ve learned to forgive. She is your mother.”

Shaking her hand off his shoulder he looked at her accusingly.

“So I take it mommy dearest got through to you? Strange how the person she most despised, forgave her first.” His blue eyes were icy.

“That’s not fair Jon. Not fair at all.” Hurt by his rejection she went to her wardrobe to start her day.

“What is fair? Was it fair that she fucked with MY life? Was it fair that I fell in love with a little boy cause I thought he was mine?
What is fair Megan..YOU TELL ME!”

Anger spewed from her

“No Jon none of its fair! Don’t you think we all suffered for it? Me and the kids? But life doesn’t stand still Jon and I not going to stay behind. I cant live with hatred and regret everyday. So you do what you need to do, I respect that. I wasn’t expecting you back so soon, so we arranged a little get together with the kids. Your parent adore your kids Jon and I know you miss Jesse but you have two of your own kids to, you know. Everyday you feel sorry for yourself you miss something small. Why don’t you think about that?

“I think about it Megan..EVERY FUCKING DAY! My head hurts from all the thinking and I don’t want to think anymore.”

Coming closer to him, he smelled her scent, felt her warmth as she put her arms around him.

“I love you Jon. Healing takes time, I know. But don’t push us away, ok? That wont be fair. Jesse might not be here but we are.” Hugging him to her for a moment, she reached and left a swift kiss on his unyielding lips. Should I call Carol and cancel?”

“ go ahead. I’ll be here, there is a lot to do.”

Sighing she nodded.


“He’s back!? Oh Megan, I’m so happy! Is he looking well? Do you think I should see him?”

Giving Jaden another packet of peanuts to feed the greedy goats at the petting zoo, she turned towards Carol.”

“I don’t think it will be such a good idea, right now. He’s not ready yet.”

Carol’s eyes brimmed with tears.

“He hates me, doesn’t he? He will never forgive me for what I have done.”

“Give him time Carol, he’ll come around. You know Jon. He isn’t a hateful person. He’ll work through it You’ll see.”

Chapter 233

Megan tip toed back into the room, the early morning dawn chased the dark shadows of the night away. Ashley had her early morning feed and after a diaper change and some mommy loving, drifted into a contented slumber.
Megan came to a standstill at the end of the bed. She had spent her night in his arms, his body banning the loneliness she had felt for weeks.
After their blissful union, Jon had pulled her close to him and within minutes fell asleep.
Sleep revealed the vulnerability in his face, he seemed like a fallen angel right at that moment. So serene, yet so dangerously arousing. The sheet rode low over his hips, a muscled thigh lay curved to her side of the bed. His face, now covered with scruff , was turned towards her, his mouth slightly open and his slight snoring the only sound in the room.
Chiselled arms lay abandoned above his head, his palms turned up, his fingers relaxed.
Megan felt a stirring as her eyes dropped to the rock hard chest, peppered with copper fur. Following the fur trail down towards his groin, she itched to inch the sheet just that tad lower....
Scrambling back to her side of the bed, she rested her head on an elbow while the other hand satisfied the itch she felt a few moments ago. Trailing one finger, she drew little patterns in the fur, slowly making her way towards his navel.
Jon stirred but didn’t wake up. Megan found her staring at the white sheet and inched it lower. Shifting closer to her target, she took his sack in her palm, rolling it gently in her palm. It tightened slightly at her touch. A miniscule twitch turned her attention to his shaft, it was so sensitive to touch...maybe...
Her tongue darted out and teased the his flaccid member lightly. Jon moaned and shifted position but his eyes remained closed.
Jon was lost in an erotic dream. He was stretched on a blanket underneath that big old the by the river. Megan was between his thighs, her hands massaging him, her mouth on his shaft, sending him into overdrive with every swirl of her tongue.
Drifting between the his dream world and reality, he buried his hands in the dark tresses framing her face, he could feel each strand brush over his thigh...God was this real?
Jon’s eyes flittered open, his whole being was sizzling and on full alert. Her mouth captured him and drew him inside. Jon’s hips reared of the bed, accompanied with a lusty groan. Lord almighty...he wasn’t dreaming..Oh shit this felt good!
Megan knew the moment Jon woke up, there was no denying those penetrating stare of those azure eyes. His hands were now tucking at her hair, his hips rolled into the rhythmic plunging of her mouth.
“Fuck baby....”
Jon’s body coiled tightly as staggering pleasure zinged through his core. Blood pumped and swished through every conceivable vein. The rush of blood left him light headed. If he didn’t reach his zenith soon he was sure he would die.
The tiny tap of his shaft inside her mouth suddenly exploded into a fierce thrusting, his seed shot into her warm cavern. The wild growl escaping his lips reminded her of a wounded predator…His body suddenly slacked and fell back into the mattress. His hands had lost their fierce grip and were now smoothing the strands from her face. Laying a few pecks on the top of his thighs, she scooted upwards towards Jon.
Blue eyes shot open as she scrambled towards him.
“What are you doin?”
Frowning at the strange question, she asked, puzzled.
“I want to lay next to you…is that a problem?”
A gruff snicker bubbled from his mouth. Oooohhh she was pissed…
“I’m sorry honey but I don’t want you laying next to me you see, its like this.”
Two strong arms suddenly hauled her onto his thighs.
Gripping his shoulders to steady her, he saw two brown eyes widened in surprise.
Nodding devilishly at her , he clasped her waist, holding her still while his still present erection rubbed against her buttcheeks.
The question reflected in her surprised eyes.
“Don’t get me wrong Sweetheart, your blowjobs are magnificent but there is only one thing he wants right now..only one thing that will satisfy the hunger….”
He saw the gleam in her eyes too late.
He felt her shift and almost sky rocketed through the ceiling when she suddenly slipped down onto his shaft, slicky and sizzling hot.
The tables were turned.
“So you want this?”
Slamming the last inch down onto his thighs….
Oooh fuck! The grip on her hips tightened even more.
Megan was mastering this game to perfection although her heart was galloping like a wild horse and her insides felt sensitive from desire.
Cold spots hit her as Jon’s hands suddenly left her hips, hissing as they cupped her breasts, flicking over stabbing nipples.
Jon felt the pause as pleasure rippled through her to him. Her cavern clamped around him, watching her sagging her head back just that inch he knew she was beyond control. Nature had taken over, her body was pursuing its pinnacle before it would crash into a sea of ultimate delight…
Her hands seek the fuzziness of his chest, finding it her rhythm grew more frantic with each thrust.
Megan concentrated on the whirlpool swirling up from her core, working its way towards their intimate coupling…stewing forth unabashed, threatening to scorch everything in its path.  Jon’s timely shuddering inside her made it reached its destination and exploded into millions of shards.
All energy swooped from Megan and she swayed forward, collapsing on the warm muscles. Cradling her in his arms they both lay silently, fighting for air.
He first felt the tremor and then the giggle.
“What you laughing at?”
“Oh I was just wondering if that was good enough for you, cause if it wasn’t …you’ll just have to make do with it, because BUSTER, I almost killed myself trying.”
His soft laughter joined hers.

Chapter 232

The softness of the bed gave way when he gently deposited his feminine package on the bed. Her arms were tangled around his neck, realizing that she refused to let go, he slid onto the bed, next to her, sighing as her soft lips searched for the pulsing tick in his neck.
His eyes slithered over her womanly curves all wrapped up in satin and lace…his hand followed his eyes and worshipped the rise and fall of her God giving lusciousness.
“it’s been too ling baby girl…so damn long.” Hoarse longing drop his voice to a sexy whisper.
“I know…but you are here now…” Flicking an earlobe into her mouth she grazed it with her teeth.
A shiver shook at his frame, and his roaming hand gripped the slightness at her hip.
Steadying himself his free hand on the bed, he pushed up, settling between her thighs on his knees.
“I want this all naked against me…” he gestured with his dark, expressive eyes and with those words he worked the nightgown upwards. His fingers scraped against the flimsy scrap of panties and he fell forward onto his arms, his breathing flowing over her mound.
Megan stared wide eyed at the simple gesture, simple yet erotic enough to moisten her inner thighs. As if time stood still she watched as he painstakingly slow lowered his head, his tongue snaked out and licked at the satin.
“Yeah baby..I’m right here, just getting a small taste of heaven….” He licked again but this time it was strong enough to brush against her lips.
She arched into the warm, wetness he left there, her hands bunching in hair.
Gripping the scrap between his teeth he suddenly reared back and the only sound was the ripping of material.
Megan could feel her pulse jumping in her throat. Cool night air, brushed up against her heated sex giving her another rush of sensation.
“There you go…opening up for me like a flower in bloom…do you taste just as sweet?”
Jon’s teasing was driving her mindless. His hands played up her thighs, his thumbs sweeping momentarily over her soaking wetness.
His hands swept higher, ridding her of her last scrap of covering.
She spread out before him, her doe like eyes now all fired up with need, her body glowing with expectation.
Megan’s eyes couldn’t leave the dark, desired filled eyes of her husband. Hunger swirled in his eyes, his lips were slightly apart flashing her a glimpse of white. His eyes met hers and she felt herself holding her breath. The message was loud and clear….he was hers to do with as he liked and she knew her body pleasured just at the thought.
Daring her to hold his gaze he tip toed downwards, one finger dipped in between her soaking wet lips, swiping over her sensitive bud he brought his finger to his lips, savoring on the taste of her.
His eyes closed as if he tasted heaven.
“Hhmmmmmmmm..just as I though, pure sweet taste like paradise baby.”
Mimicking the brush of his tongue over his lips, she heard him groan.
“You are temptation..raw and real….”
Grabbing her gently on the hips, he brought her unto his thighs, bringing her closer to his face, the movement opened her up even more and Megan’s blood hummed through her veins as she waited for the pleasure she knew was moments away.
The first slight touch was shocking and as his laps and tongue twirling got more firm against her nub, she squirmed under him. The way his fingers duck into her ass, how he blew her mind with his skillful tactics, Megan was ready to fire towards the stars..nothing could ever feel so perfect, so blissful.
She was slick against his tongue, her juices flowed over his tongue, her nub spasm against his ministrations. Her soft mewling set sparks off in his core and the throbbing of his shaft became almost unbearable. Just when he thought he couldn’t hold back any longer, he felt her hands searching for him…her voice trembled as she struggled for much needed breath.
“Please Jonny….I need to feel you inside me..Oh God its been too long!”
It was music to his ears!
Taking hold of his squirming filly, he swiftly and deftly  entered her starving body. She gloved him so tightly he lost his breath for a moment, praying for the strength to bring her to the ultimate culmination before he lost himself inside her.
Megan cried out as he stilled inside her..she craved his fullness inside her but she demanded the feel of his hard, thrusting making her the woman she hasn’t been in a long time.
Stroking her hair as if calming a skittish filly, he whispered.
“Slow down sweet baby..I want to take us there together…”
Her body stilled its frantic grinding but her mind screamed.
Getting his second breath of air, he started his slow, deep plunging. His face buried between her stirring breasts. Her scent wafted into his nostrils, the heat of her skin only accentuating the scent that was hers alone. Tiny droplets of sweat pearled between the full mounds and Jon lapped at the tantalizing saltiness.
Megan was writhing underneath him, her body straining against his, her legs wrapped tightly above his buttocks.
Catching a glimpse at pink rosy tips, he turned his attention on each respectively, nipping and rolling it between his teeth. Megan felt her womb contract as he teased mercilessly. Her hands fluttered over male nipples, grazed the wetness of his fur, flitting down to the washboard stomach.
“Oh God! I…I…ooohhh !”
“Let it go baby…let it go…I’m right there with you.” He coaxed in hoarse gasps.
His slow thrusts became hard and fast, ramming into her. Megan threw her head back, the pleasure was just too much to handle…she felt a trickle of blood as her teeth clamped down on her lower lip.
Jon felt her shudder as she reached that secret place that releases you from all the worldly endeavors.  She soared as her climax washed over her, Jon’s rumble just heightening her pleasure as she realized he was with her there…holding on..losing control with her.
His sweaty body collapsed onto hers, his breath rushing into her hair, she just closed her eyes and held on. She could stay like this forever….